Course Details for M.Com.
Post Graduate in Commerce is a 4 semesters (2 year) Post Graduation
regular full time course designed and implemented by the affiliated
University, which will be required to complete within 4 years from the date
of 1st admission in the 1st semester.
The course is upgraded from time to time to accommodate latest
It is designed to cater the modern and latest Account & Finance
oriented application development.
A candidate who has passed Graduate examination in Commerce or Mgt.
from any UGC recognized university with appropriate subject and obtained
at least second-class is eligible for admission.
Candidates from Other Universities
- They must be eligible for the admission to the particular course.
- To get admission into college, first they have to obtain Provisional
Eligibility Certificate from the BKNMU/Saurashtra University. College
will not issue the Admission form to the candidate coming from other
University/Board, who doesn’t have Provisional Eligibility Certificate.
- Thereafter, they can get admission in the College, by submitting the
Provisional Eligibility Certificate.
- Then, they have to obtain Migration Certificate from their original
University or Board.
- Based on Migration Certificate, they have to obtain Final Eligibility
Certificate from the BKNMU/Saurashtra University
- They have to submit the copy of this Final Eligibility Certificate to the
College before the process of form filling for Final Annual Examination
- The students coming from other University/Board are not required to
be enrolled with the University, because their Enrolment is done by
the University on behalf of the college when the candidate obtains
his/her Final Eligibility Certificate.
- Candidates from other University/Board should be given admission
only in the First term of Curricular. He is not eligible for admission, if he
applies for the same in the Second term.